Sunday, April 26, 2009

:: My Lovely Daughter – Indi Raisya Zakaria ::

She is Indi Raisya Zakaria, a girl who called “Indi” as her nick name. She was born in RS. Awal Bros Batam Indonesia on Thursday 19.45 PM, January 8 2009. Her mother was normal delivered by dr. Gina Maya Sp. OG,. She was 44 Cm of body height, 2.31 Kg of body weight and 32 Cm of head diameter.

Her father is Zakaria Razali, an overseas worker and her mother is Linda Susanti, a finance advisor. She and her mother lived in Batam while her father has been in India for long time back. She is able to see her father after 4 months for 2 weeks only and after that wait another 4 months. She was not like others children who can see a father anytime. According this story that her parent gave her name “Indi” without “A”. The meaning “A” is Aria (her father's nick name). Her father has plan to bring her and her Mom to India soon, so she would be coming to India and she will close to her father. During this time, the meaning would be raised to “Indi with A” it means “India”.

The meaning of Raisya is a very different number. Mmm... different number? Yes, she is very different and unique (called; incredible). It's like India's motto “India... Incredible India...”. She is the one of very different unique number compared to others children. The India without “A” is an unique. It will become “Indi”. It is only song that can be called a melody.

Her father keep communication via PC to PC (read; webcam) and sometimes direct call also possible. This way how to keep close each of others between her father and her and her mother. The technology was solved out the problem and with technology, she will feel close to her father.

This is behind story about Indi Raisya Zakaria. Getting very hard in present and would be happy ending in future. India... Incredible Indi...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

“300KMs Mumbai Road Adventures 2008 - Mahableshwar India”

On 27th December 2008, I and friends went out to Mahableshwar in Maharashtra State India. It located more and less 300 KMs from Mumbai City. This event we called “300KMs Mumbai Road Adventures 2008 - Mahableshwar India″.

Mahabaleshwar is a vast plateau measuring 150 km², bound by valleys on all sides. It reaches a height of 1438 m (4710 ft) at its highest peak above sea level, known as Wilson/Sunrise Point.
Today, Mahabaleshwar is a popular holiday resort and honeymoon spot, and an important pilgrimage site for Hindus. It is the site of Mahabaleshwar Temple but unfortunetly we don’t have much time to visit this point. For your reference, many tourists visit nearby Panchgani. After the construction of a new highway, it is only a five-hour drive from Mumbai (please note, even highway there is always traffic jam especially on pick season).

Mahabaleshwar is also known for the honey and strawberries produced here (mmmm these are good huh). One can visit strawberry farms to enjoy the real flavour of the fruit. It is said that the climate of Mahabaleshwar is ideal for strawberries and mulberries. One can also get a taste of “Strawberries with Cream” or “Mulberries with Cream” (Hmmm yummy). Mahabaleshwar comprises three villages: Malcolm Peth, Old “Kshetra” Mahabaleshwar and part of the Shindola village.

Mahabaleshwar is the source of the Krishna River that flows across Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. The legendary source of the river is a spout from the mouth of a statue of a cow in the ancient temple of Mahadev in Old Mahabaleshwar. Legend has it that Krishna is Lord Vishnu himself as a result of a curse on the trimurtis by Savitri. Also, its tributaries Venna and Koyana are said to be Siva and Brahma themselves. An interesting thing to notice is that 4 other rivers come out from the cow (bull’s) mouth apart from Krishna and they all travel some distance before merging into Krishna. These rivers are the Koyana, Venna(Veni), Savitri, and Gayatri.

The Venna lake is one of the major tourist attractions of Mahabaleshwar. The lake is surrounded by trees on all sides. A late winter evening boat ride through the slight fog is well appreciated. Tourists can enjoy a boat ride over the lake or a horse ride next to the lake. A number of small eateries line the banks of the lake. The Mahabaleshwar city market and the S.T. bus stand is about 2KM from the lake and makes for a nice walk during the day. Most tour operators include the Venna lake in their tours. Most buses, private vehicles will stop at the Venna lake on their way to Mahabaleshwar on request.

So, if you have been in Mumbai India remember, don’t miss this one destination “Mahableshwar Hill”. You can see Venna Lake, driving horses, visit strawberry farms and many more….

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sejarah Pulau Penyengat (Bahasa Version)

Sejarah Pulau Penyengat tidak bisa dilepaskan dari Kepulauan Riau. Itulah sebabnya mengapa berkunjung ke ibukota Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) Tanjungpinang tak lengkap jika tidak menyinggahi Pulau Penyengat. Ada juga sebagian orang muslim yang beranggapan kalau udah berada di Tanjungpinang, tidak sah kalau tidak menyempatkan diri berkunjung dan sholat di Masjid Raya Sultan Penyengat. Sebenarnya ini hanyalah mitos saja, karna dimana-mana sholat itu wajib 1 hari 5 waktu dan setaip muslim yang berkunjung wajib mejalankan ibadah sholat.

Anggapan cukup beralasan, karena Pulau Penyengat yang penduduknya hanya kurang lebih 200 kepala keluarga (KK) dengan luas pulau ±1,5 kilometer sebelah barat Kota Tanjungpinang, banyak menyimpan peninggalan sejarah zaman dulu.

Peninggalan sejarah hingga kini masih tetap terawat, antara lain Masjid Raya Sultan Penyengat, Benteng Bukit Kursi, Balai Adat, Makam Raja Abdul Rahman, Gedung Tengku Bilik, Gedung Mesiu, Istana Kantor, Makam Raja Jaafar, Sumur Puteri, Bekas Gedung Tabib, bekas Percetakan Rusdiyah Club, Bekas rumah hakim, Makam Tengku Halimah, Makam Raja Haji Fisabilillah, Benteng Bukit Punggawa dan sebagainya. Dengan adanya beberapa peninggalan sejarah tersebut, hingga saat ini, Pulau Penyengat menjadi objek wisata baik tourist lokal maupun tourist manca negara.

Nama Penyengat sendiri, menurut R Hamzah Yunus, dalam bukunya berjudul Peninggalan-Peninggalan Sejarah di Pulau Penyengat, bermula saat beberapa pelaut zaman lalu menyinggahi pulau tersebut. Sang pelaut mengambil air tawar disumur. Belum selesai mengambil air, segerombolan lebah menyerang. Beberapa pelaut terkena sengatan dan tewas. Sejak peristiwa itu, pulau ini dikenal bernama Penyengat.
Satu persatu, R Hamzah Yunus menggambarkan peninggalan yang ada. Antara lain:

Mesjid Raya Sultan Penyengat - Masjid ini merupakan cermin keagungan agama Islam di Penyengat. Dihiasi kubah-kubah, menara dan mimbar yang serba indah. Didirikan sekitar tahun 1249 H (1832 M) atas prakarsa Yang Dipertuan Muda VII, Raja Abdul Rahman (Marhum Kampung Bulang). Panjangnya dari Mesjid Raya Sultan Penyengat ini sekitar 19,80 meter dan lebar 18 meter. Di dalamnya ditopang 4 tiang beton. Pada tiap penjuru dibangun menara tempat bilal menyeru azan. Selain menara ada pula 13 kubah, ada yang 4 persegi. Seluruhnya berjumlah 17 manara dan kubah, sebayak rakaat sembahyang wajib umat Islam.

Mesjid ini didirikan di atas kawasan yang telah dibeton dan diratakan setinggi 7 hasta dari tanah. Untuk mengangkat batu, mengisi tanah dan menimbun asas seluruh mesjid telah dikerjakan secara gotongroyong oleh seluruh penduduk Penyengat.

Makam Engku Puteri Permaisuri Sultan Mahmud - Lokasinya terletak di daerah Dalam Besar. Pusaranya dikelilingi sebuah tembok beton. Ditenmgah tembok berdiri berdiri bangunan dan makam Makam Engku Puteri Permaisuri Sultan Mahmud. Di komplek Makam Engku Puteri Permaisuri Sultan Mahmud, ada pula pusara tokoh terkemuka kerajaan Riau, antara lain pusara Raja Haji Abdullah (Marhum Mursyid, Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau-Lingga IX), Pusara Raja Ali Haji, pujangga Riau (Pengarang gurindam dubelas, Tuhfat al Nafis, Silsilah Melayu Bugis, dan sebagainya), pusara Raja Haji Abdullah (Hakim Mahkamah Syari’ah) dan pusara kerabat Engku Puteri lainnya.

Makam Raja Haji Marhum Teluk Ketapang - terletak di Bukit Selatan Pulau Penyengat. Bersebelahan dengan pusara Habib Sekh, seorang ulama terkenal di zaman kerajaan Riau.
Raja Marhum adalah pangeran Suta Wijaya di Jambi - Ia berhasil menaklukkan musuh dan menjadi penguasa inderagiri. Ia juga mensponsori pengangkatan Syarif Abdul Rahman sebagai Sultan Pontianak. Membangun pulau Biram Dewa di Sungai Riau (Riau Lama) menjadi kota yang terkenal dengan sebutan Kota Piring.
Bekas Istana Sultan Abdul Rahman Muazam Syah - Sisa bangunan istana Sultan Riau-Lingga yang terakhir ini sudah tidak ada lagi bekas-bekasnya. Istana yang disebut ‘’kedaton’’ luas dan arsitekturnya tak banyak berbeda dengan gedung daerah Tanjungpinang saat ini.
Bekas Gedung Tengku Bilik - Tengku bilik adalah adik Sultan Riau-Lingga terakhir. Bersuamikan Tengku Abdul Kadir. Bentuk bangunan ini merupakan ciri kesukaan bangsawan saat itu.
Makam Marhum Jaafar - Yang Dipertuan Muda VI. Komplek makam Raja Jaafar termasuk salah satu bangunan indah dengan pilar-pilar, kubah-kubah kecil yang dilengkjapi ukiran timbul, kolam air tawar, kolam untuk berwudhu dan hiasana lainnya.
Bukit Kursi - (benteng dan pertahanan), jumlahnya ada 12. Terletak di Bukit Batu dan Penggawa. Benteng dilindungi parit pertahanan yang berguna melindungi benteng.